Tuesday 15 December 2015

List of things

1. If you're going to worry about your food intake, before anything count your daily grams of protein. If you don't think about your food intake you're an idiot and sabotaging your performance.

2. Initially, you don't know what heavy means. You learn that quite a bit later.

3. Generally, you're going to be able to squat one more rep. You just don't want to.

4. Of all the lifts, bench press seems to be the one that can go to shit the easiest from rep to rep.

5. Following on from 2, heavy reps can feel fucking horrible, but when you lock them out it's worth it.

6. No matter what anyone tells you setting up for squats and bench press is not comfortable. If you can't get past that you're going to have problems getting stronger. I guess it might happen for deadlifts too but I've got no experience of that.

7. You don't *need* anything other than a squat rack, bench, bar and plates but it sure as hell doesn't hurt to have more.

8. There's a lot of information out there. Read it all more than once, and come back to it again when you've learned more because you might have missed something the first couple of times.

9. Some days you'll finish training and not feel beat up. That generally means you got something right.

10. If something starts hurting, don't be an idiot and ignore it.

11. There is no one exercise that's best for everyone. There are plenty of great exercises that are great for most people and you're probably one of them, but don't discount the possibility that you might not be.

12. Your back can't be too strong, but that won't be worth shit if the front of you is weak.

13. Sometimes you're going to have to do stuff that you don't want to. That's probably because you fucked up and didn't do something you should have in the first place. Sometimes it'll be the same thing.

14. Progress comes in spurts. Keep track of them. 

15. Don't lift heavy loads to make yourself feel better. Heavy loads are for heavy days, not ego boosting. Meets are heavy days.

16. Never go into a meet without a plan A and a plan B for each attempt for each lift. The plan needs to be realistic. Try to figure this out within a meet or two.

17. No one gives two shits what you didn't total apart from you. You're the only one worried about it and there are more important things than your total. If you can't see that you're in trouble.

18. You're never going to learn anything if you don't make mistakes. Hopefully they won't hurt anything except your ego.

19. If you learn something useful, pass it on. Information is for sharing.

20. Help people.

Bonus: paused squats fix lots of things.

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